First Place in Chicago Magic Contest

Just won first place in Aces Magic Club annual contest. Usually, my performing and family schedules do not allow me to take part in these clubs and contests, but this year I was able to join. This is the first contest I have entered since the Nabisco contest (I was awarded a 4 month contract for Nabisco after winning this contest) at Daily Center.

It is always an honor to win a contest sponsored by a magic group. Today, I just won a gold medal. It is very nice.

Here is the listing of my Act on the official ACEs newsletter about my competition act.

“Next Steve Belliveau was introduced. Steve opened his set by getting the whole audience involved with a risky water effect. Steve then performed an entertaining and energetic coin manipulation
routine climaxing in an impossible vanish of all of the coins! Steve’s act concluded with a dice stacking skill and the production of a jumbo die!”

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